Sunday, April 5, 2009


Maxwell and Sophie are totally into quizzes lately. They especially like math quizzes, nevermind that Sophie always gets asked what is 2+2 and her first answer is always "1". Even when I preface the question with "think really hard before you answer." Then after saying "1" she always follows it with the right answer. I'm not sure if she is teasing me without a smile, or if I should be worried about her brain activity.

The other night after discussing the "standard works" and what books of scriptures that includes the kids wanted a quiz. This was her question:

Me: The standard works includes The Bible, The Book of Mormon, The Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great...what?

Sophie: Harvest!

Can you tell where we buy our bread from?


heather said...

That is too cute. You are so lucky to have a Great Harvest close by!

Nicole said...

Pearl of Great Harvest...that is the funniest thing I have heard in regards to the standard works!!! So funny!! SO cute!

mallari said...

Ha ha well I'm glad that we have made a lasting impression on Cute Sophie!

Ashlee said...

I have SO missed your stories! I keep forgetting to email you that we're coming for a visit at the end of this month. I'm going to email you now as I have lost your number and 411 can't find you!