Sunday, April 19, 2009

My Babies are Bullies!

This is one of my dearest friends Rebekah (I can't believe I just said dearest...that makes me sound old!) and I with two sets of our children. We each have three children and they are all very close in age. In the first picture are Maxwell and Mira as babies, and the second picture is Lucas and Capri, taken just a couple of days ago. Why is it that my children are performing acts of violence (i.e., pulling hair and throwing a right jab) while her children are passively looking on? Kind of funny, but seriously, what's the deal?


Jen said...

That is pretty darn funny ! Cute but violent!

Tanya said...

love your shorts in the Max picture!!! how are you and your little ones???

Tara Fisher said...

At first I thought you had gone back to your curly hair, then I looked down at your shorts and figured it out. That is a funny story though.

Hanson Family said...

It's so nice to see you both! :-) I miss you guys!

brooke romney said...

Love the old you picture!! That's how you looked when I met cute always.

Rebekah Coles said...

Oh Lilly...I love your hair and my jeans. Your pants aren't so bad either! It was so fun to see you all!