During a late night talkfest with my sisters this last weekend we discussed the languages of love. I have actually never read the book about the languages of love, but I think I know the basic ideas of the book and therefore I am an expert on the subject. Something I think I know is that a person usually gives love the way they like to receive love. This can often be a problem in a relationship because the way you give love may not be the way your companion best receives love. I have a near perfect husband. Anyone who knows him well will undoubtedly second my opinion. As I was shooting the breeze with my sisters I told them that if I could change one thing about Steve I would make him more romantic, because it is through the romantic things that I feel love, which is not the most common way Steve gives love. After a little more thought and discussion I decided that I am probably unpleasable, because I actually want love given in every way possible. I need affection, I need compliments, I need help around the house, I need time, I need it all. After even a little more thought I decided that Steve gives me love in all these ways, some of them just come in small packages. He does not surprise me with candlelight dinners or big trips, but everytime he goes to the grocery store, which is much more often than most men, he brings me home some of my favorites, like my favorite granola with fresh berries. He would always choose to stay home with the family than go anywhere else. He gave me all his birthday money to spend on my upcoming girls' trip to San Diego. He gets the kids ready for church every sunday (except for Sophie's hair). He tells me that he wouldn't change anything about me. Sometimes it's hard to remember the little things, but that is what he is good at, which is why he is nearly perfect. He may not be planning the next romantic getaway (although I'm working on it!) but he is constantly busy doing the little things for our family - which I wouldn't trade for anything.
FYI: Steve turned 32 last week. Maxwell wanted to play pin the tail on the donkey, so I found this great printable version which allows you to insert any face that fits. We played two games, one with Donkey Mike (great Arizona friend) and one with Donkey Dave (Steve's big brother). No offense guys - just feel the love!