I have been "tagged" two times now, so I am wondering if I am meant to have a moment of introspection. Maybe I'll discover a talent I didn't know I
possessed, or more likely, maybe I'll discover that there's nothing new to discover. I'm not sure that I can conjure up six new things to tell people about, because I am an open book...and more importantly, because I talk too much so everyone probably already knows these six things about me. Regardless, here goes:
1. I have become very picky with food in my old age. I am not picky in the sense that there are many things I don't like, because I actually like almost all types of food. I am picky in my quality of food. If I am going to eat it, it has to be good. I have been disappointed at restaurants lately. I don't make casseroles because usually they are made with cream soups, which I don't find very appetizing in my old age. I could go on, but I don't want to continue offending people who like cream soups!
2. I am much more critical of my husband than he is of me...but I'm working on it. This sounds really terrible, and it is, but you must know that my husband is one of the most accepting people I have ever known. He is totally fine if there is no dinner planned when he gets home. Cold cereal or a sandwich is just fine with him. He was never one of those single guys who ruled out dating girls who had fat potential (thank goodness) because it honestly never crossed his mind. He does not think any differently of me if I don't do my visiting teaching occasionally. Really, I can get away with so much in this relationship! He inspires me to be a better person not by asking for it, or even expecting it, but by loving me for me, and treating everyone with respect.
3. I love playing sports. I played basketball and volleyball in high school, and I was on the championship
intramural basketball team at
BYU two years in a row, which is more
competitive than it sounds. I had a mean hook shot. Most of you probably don't even know what that is, but I had it. I now love to play golf with Steve. I also love to
rollerblade and used to be quite the daredevil on them. I would even go down small flights of stairs. I really enjoy snow skiing, but have learned in the past few years that I am a cold weather weenie, so I only like to ski now when the weather is relatively mild.
4. I loved the "Twilight" series, and have read all three, but started getting a little bored with all the mushy stuff by the second book. My sister-in-laws informed me that that disqualifies me from being a hopeless romantic. I would have to agree, and am just fine with that. I still love the storyline and will read the next one right when it comes out. Everyone who has read the books has a favorite guy, and I have decided that a mix between Edward and Jacob is perfect.
5. I am not a sentimental person, or rather I am not attached to things. Other than pictures and video footage, I would be okay if my house burnt down, as long as I was given plenty of money to build a new one, buy new clothes and redecorate. I am not attached to my scriptures, so I would be okay buying new ones. I would miss the small amount of
memorabilia from my childhood and youth, but I only look at it every few years, so I could move past that pretty easily. Further proof of this is that I gave my wedding dress to D.I. several years ago, and have had no regrets, except when a friend makes me feel cold and heartless for doing so!
6. I have never made a budget, but I am still good with money. I could make and stick to a budget if I really had to, like really really really had to, but if I don't really have to, then I won't. I always know how much money we have because I am the bookkeeper in our family. We rarely pay interest, with the exception of our mortgage and student loans. I consider myself smart with money and will do the necessary research, so our money should be growing well. But, I'm not a strict "rules" person, so strict budgets do not lend themselves well to my personality. Is that a great excuse or what?
I am supposed to "tag" six more people to tell six things about themselves. Don't feel any pressure, just know that it's quite interesting to think about yourself for a few minutes! I tag Alexis, Abbie, Jamie, my Mom, Michelle Ray and Brooke Romney (who has probably been tagged several times, so get on it).