Friday, January 2, 2009

Tetherball Maniac

Rain, sleet or snow...nothing can stop this kid from tetherballin' it!


Matt and Jennae Porter said...

Ha... that's awesome! I remember being younger and taking tetherball very seriously. Ok who am I kidding, I still take it pretty seriously. I bet Max could kick my butt though.

April said...

I love getting your Christmas letter! I wait for it every year. The picture was great! Where did you get Sophie's outfit? I hope your holiday was perfect.

Nicole said...

I am with Max. I LOVED tetherball as a kid!! I don't tell many people this, nor do I like to brag, BUT, I was tetherball champ in 2nd & 3rd grade. I know...amazing! I love that Max loves to play & that this was a Christmas gift. I too woke up one morning back in 1983 (boy that dates me) to my own tetherball pole too. It was the BEST!! Go Max!!

Alison said...

Cute pictures Lyric! I like Santa's Snack! I am sure you helped maintain Santa's slim figure! Hayden made us set out chocolate covered carrots for the reindeer! Your blog is very cute!