Sunday, January 18, 2009

Thoughtful question by Sophie

Sophie to Dad and Maxwell, "Do Jedi's wear panties or underwear?" I'm glad she's pondering on the more important things in life!

Being a member of the extended Payne family requires one to become a Star Wars nerd. I have yet to succumb, but Sophie has been initiated into the club and Maxwell is like the president! Steve is only an amatuer Star Wars nerd compared to his 3 older brothers. What a legacy!


Mr. and Mrs. Smith said...

kade would be in heaven...he is trying to convert Kiera...just so he can have someone to play with. I put two buns on the side of her head and she is happy to be leia. :)

Kirk and Aly said...

So, I'm dying to know the answer? Do you think they're boxers or briefs or what? I would love to be inside a kids head for a day to see how these thought processes start. What a cuite!

Alison said...

That is too funny! I have some Star Wars Junkies here too! Brent has brain washed our children too! I think he wears panties, but don't tell the boys in my household that I said that!

Brooke Romney said...

I love the hidden geek inside of Steve, and no surprise it's nowhere in you! I'm kind of glad I don't have a little girl--I'm not sure I like anyone saying "Panties" very often.

Kim said...

I love the way a kid's mind works!

Kim said...

Also, when I read this to Matthew, he said that they don't use either since they have special gravity stuff that makes it so they don't need to go.

Anonymous said...

We are all about Star Wars over here! Please invite us if you ever decided to have a Star Wars party! We'll bring the lite sabors. (Jonny calls them "life savors) we have two.....
love ya!

Tara Fisher said...

Who know what's under there, some of them probably do wear panties!

Hey it's okay to be a Star Wars geek! If I were a boy I probably would be a freak over Star Wars.
We miss you guys. I thought I heard you were coming to AZ soon. What is the plan?

Mr. and Mrs. Smith said...

I am waiting for the update of you hot getaway! :)