As you have probably noticed, my blogging mantra is "a blog does not have to be current"! The first day of school was two months ago, but at least I'm not 10 years behind like many scrapbookers are!
Sophie started kindergarten and Max entered 3rd grade. They each have wonderful teachers this year. We were reluctant for summer to end, but excited to get back into the learning groove. I think it's because of Sophie's girlness, because I didn't follow Max around on his first day of school, but after driving the kids to school, I walked Sophie to her classroom, and could not tear myself away from looking in the little window in the door. I was proud and sentimental at the same time. I am quite sure I was the last Mom to leave!
Capri loves the full-time attention she gets for half a day. She would make a perfect only child!

Maxwell is in that stage where it's not cool to show affection to your little sister. It's okay when it's your baby sister, but not your 5 year old sister. I know he will grow out of it quickly, because he is such a lover boy, but I have to admit that this stage really annoys me. As you can see in one of the pictures below, Sophie is stretching to put her arm around Max because he wouldn't follow Dad's directions and do it himself.
Sophie made it home on the bus safe and sound and we were all there to greet her. She is truly a wonderful child to parent!

This is not the official first day of school, but sometime in the first week. Steve and I headed down to the bus stop to pick the kids up, and this is how many munchkins we ended up with. We made all kinds of stops that day! I am one of those party girls who feels pure joy in moments like this!