Seeing as President's Day is such an important holiday - important enough to close schools, banks and the stock market, I decided we better celebrate. I called my Mom's house to see what was on her agenda for the day, and whose sweet little voice did I little sister, Cassi. She had really been wanting to go to the zoo with as many of her neices and nephews as were interested. I guess Maxwell and Sophie are the only two animal lovers in the family! Cassi brought along her adorable friend, Kyle, and we had a great little two hour stint at the charming Boise Zoo. By the way, Cassi is not yawning in the picture above, she is trying to act like she has just seen a really fascinating animal, like a llama or tortoise! Great times! We love you Aunt Cassi.
Wednesday January 8
1 hour ago
What a fun day. Your sister looks really cute. I love the zoo, it has been a while since I have gone. We should all plan a zoo day one of these days.
I love Sophie's shoes in these pictures! Where did you get them? And Max is looking so grown-up! What a cutie!
What a cute sis!! Next time my siblings are in town we need to get them together and all take a trip to the zoo... that would be fun! I've been telling Todd we needed to get to the zoo.
You are such a good, cute mom to go out and brave the cold weather. I am a wus and keep it to inside activities as much a possible. Only when I am in my snowman suit where I am snug and warm will I go out to play in the snow, sled or anything else where I could freeze!! Jacqueline saw this and said...I wanna go to the zoo now too mom...NOPE!
I can't believe how big the kids are getting. You all look great.
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