I hope it isn't lame to send a thank you card via blog, it's just that I want everyone to see this work of art by my friend Allyson. She handcrafted this fabulous apron as a birthday gift for me, and she has made her fair share of aprons for other people as well. Notice the flare at the bottom, and the pockets, and the ribbon. She spared no detail. I am so excited to wear it. I threw it on for this picture right before heading to the gym, and if felt oh so right! And yes, I am trying to be sexy in this picture...I know, I'm not good at trying to be sexy! Allyson is probably my most talented friend in the seamstress department. I have tried to be like her several times, but each time I discover that I just really hate to sew, so that sewing machine I bought on e-bay just sits in the closet. Allison is one my most talented friends in the thoughtfulness department as well. She is one of those rare people (like my husband) who is almost always thinking of others rather than themselves. You're probably wondering how then can we be friends...opposites attract! She is also gorgeous and has four blonde daughters who have inherited her skinny, beautiful genes. What a lucky lot in life! She is also freaking hilarious. I better not fail to mention that she has wicked awesome hair!

Thanks Allison. You're a great friend. I know you don't like the spotlight but too bad!