Freckles are a funny thing, it's even a funny word. Say it out loud a few times and you'll probably chuckle in agreement. I have talked to many people who have no love for their freckles or have bad memories of their younger more prevalent freckle days. As a child I had the spattering of freckles, you know the freckles across the nose and cheeks with the occasional cluster throughout other parts of the face. I loved my freckles. My Mom always told me that people with freckles don't get acne. I'm not sure where she got her information and I really don't know if it's true or not, but I bought into it completely, and I really didn't get much acne, even during puberty. I also have very fond memories of adults looking down at me and expressing their love for my freckles and my cute little button nose. I really didn't give my freckles too much thought, but when I did they were adoring thoughts. Now I understand that some people have more than just the spattering of freckles, in fact, my own Maxwell has more than what I would consider a spattering, so to each their own freckle feelings, but I do know that I am completely endeared to Max's freckle face. Don't get me wrong, I think an olive skinned, spot and blemish free child is absolutely beautiful, but seriously, look at that little cropped picture of my cuddlebug and to me there is nothing more adorable (inlcluding the crazy 2nd grade teeth...I'm admitting my bias)! I want to make sure he loves his freckles as well, so ever since these little splats of pigment started arriving on his nose (around age 3) I started telling him how much I love them. I haven't shared the acne angle yet! I would count them each night and he loved it. By the age of four I had lost count, but I still pretended to count and would always stop somewhere around 100, and it was around that time that I found my favorite. Meet Mr. Dot! Do you see the almost perfectly round freckle below his right nostril? It's a little bit bigger and a little bit darker than the rest. To me it is the epitomy of the perfect freckle. I no longer count his freckles, but nearly every night I give Mr. Dot a kiss, and Maxwell loves it. Sophie started to feel left out, so we found Mrs. Dot, who resides at the top of her neck. It is probably even more of a perfect freckle than Mr. Dot, but it's kind of in a ticklish spot so I'm not really allowed to give it kisses, unless I steal them, which means it doesn't get the same attention from me as Mr. Dot, and usually falls off my freckle radar!