Does anyone else have a little boy that makes gun noises way too much? The kids are not supposed to play with guns, even pretend guns, at school, but somehow Maxwell knows what each of his friends' pretend "hand"guns look like. His is a long one, like a machine gun. In primary the substitute teacher had he and his two little buddies put their guns away during class, but as soon as church was over they paraded down the halls shooting everyone, again with their pretend "hand"guns. Amy, (his full-time primary teacher) don't let him get that gun out during class. I'll come in for a visit if he does! He turns the hairspray bottle and comb into a gun each morning as I do his hair. His fork is often a gun at mealtime. He has begun to love drawing, and draws several really detailed pictures each day. Each picture is some sort of battle, whether it is with pirates, star wars characters or soldiers. Occasionally he will draw something with flowers on it for me! He got a little spiritual on me yesterday and drew the Book of Mormon...but then went on to draw a bunch of men with machine guns guarding it! He rarely gets to watch television and play video games, so I think this is just something innate. Luckily he is the most loveable and cuddly little boy who will still play teacher and picnic with Sophie, so I think that this too shall pass!
Thursday February 20
1 day ago
everything for us is one of those fork shaped ninja turtle knives. boy am i glad i showed him that movie (sarcasm)!
I say not to worry! It really is just a boy thing. I do think too much TV and video games can contribute, though. Max is certainly not a violent kid!! He's so stinkin cute! My Max is trying to grow his hair out a little shaggy and if it's curly (we're not sure cuz we've never grown his hair out very long). But, if it is curly our two Max's could almost pass for brothers with their cute little freckles!! Anyways, don't worry about the gun thing! He's a boy!!!
It is such a boy thing!!! all 4 of mine have gone through or are still in the gun stage obsession
You are lucky he didnt start doing this earlier! Our boys did it much younger, and that is when gun safety discussions started. We have hunters in our fam though, so it is never too surprising that the boys are into guns. Obviously they dont need a family full of hunters for a boy to love to play guns.
i hope my boy is just as cool as your boy
I love the fact that he drew a picture of army guys guarding the Book of Mormon. Hilarious. In my primary class (CTR 8) I am having a big problem with the boys fake shooting each other with their guns during the entire lesson. Sounds like Max's primary teacher has better control over her class than I do!
That is pretty funny about his B of M picture!!! That is great! It must be a boy thing...cause my girls don't do it...but there are definate things that come along with girls too!
I must be a nazi primary teacher because they're always pretty good for me... but I hear terrible stories every time I have to get a substitute. I think the gun thing is pretty normal. My dad always tells this story about my brother when he was like three/four walking around with the sears catelog and showing everyone the guns and asking santa for a gun for Christmas. He was obsessed for a few years and then completely outgrew it. Max is a sweet kid!
This post just made my laugh!!! I can't relate unfortunalty, but hope to one day. Max is the sweetest thing, there is no worry there, he is just all boy!!!
Is there something we all can be happy about for you? Let me know.
I'm glad to hear that your 5 or 6 year old is this in to guns. Trey is not even 2 and turns everything in to a gun! His favorite is hangers, he walks around shooting things all the time with a plastic hanger. I just look at it as a good imagination! Maybe that's not so good when it comes to guns and shooting things or people I guess!
be glad he is only "fake" shooting. Dominic got a nerf gun for his birhtday.....he's a really good shot!
I think it's just so funny. I can just only imagine, but maybe someday I will be able to relate more. He is just a sweet child and I couldn't imagine it turning into anything more than just having fun being a boy!
I have to echo my sisters- the gun thing starts much younger in our family. I'm not sure how I feel about that, but what can you do? It may "pass" for you, but hasn't yet for us and Logan is 11. It is a lot of our lifestyle (not that we're a murdering family or anything like that!) but it's something seen and discussed often. If Max isn'this "exposed" I'm sure he'll move on to safer things!
I am with ya sista on the gun thing...unfortunately I have probably toned Kade down a bit because I didn't want other people think he is learning that from home! :) It is funny how boys are so into guns and boy stuff and the little girls are just into dolls and girly things!
Easton loves violence. Gives me great hopes for his future. Hey I need your e-mail address so that I can send you an invitation to read my blog. E-mail me at Thanks!
Maybe it's because his dad is so obsessed with hunting and his mom used to be in the army!!! No, soooo normal. He'd love to play with my boys.
soo boy! At first I was a little worried of Austin's gun obsession-I mean we actually just got him his first one at a yard sale for free yesterday. But he would use anything like he had a gun before-the other day he came out of the kitchen with a banana with gun sounds a blazing...oh boys!
Boys will be boys. When Koby was little I used to try and stop every kick, and hit, etc. and I would be so affected by it... thinking, "why is he acting like this?" I hated when people would try and pacify the situation and say, "oh he's just being a boy" or something like that (I'm probably showing too much of the neurotic), but now with two boys, I am the one saying these things. I dont know about you, but I dont even understand my 32 year old boy, so I have given up hope on the 5 and 3year old ones!
Yes, I do think it's natural for boys to do that! Joseph is only one and already makes the little car sounds as you pushes them around the house! I miss seeing you at church, hope your doing well
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