Sunday, June 10, 2012

Juvenile Revenge

Several months ago there was a little mixup with our bill-pay and the balance on our checking account got much lower than normal.  I didn't realize what had happened for several days and in the meantime our mortgage payment, our student loan payment and the transfer to our retirement account all happened like bam bam bam...three big withdrawals in a row on an underfunded account.  Needless to say we were charged overdraft fees and another fee I can't even remember each of those days.  It totaled over two hundred dollars.  Because it was a mixup, and because I usually get my way, I thought it would be no problem to get these fees waived.  I didn't get my way this time.  I was so angry about the situation, that I decided to change banks.  I had been meaning to close these accounts out at Key Bank (I had to throw the name in here just in case any of you are searching for a bank, you will know who to steer clear of!) since March, but it was not on my priority list.  I finally went in on Friday and discovered that each of the last three months I had been charged an inactivity fee on both of our accounts.  What the?  Yeah, apparently it's in the fine print.  Another $150 down the drain.  I said to the teller, "No offense to you because I know you don't make these decisions, but I am so glad to be finished with this bank."  I signed the little keypad as hard as I could, said thank you without smiling at all and then I turned really juvenile...I grabbed a BIG handful of their mints from the table in the lobby.  Sophie said, "Mommy, I don't know if you should do that."  Capri said, "That's a bad bank huh mommy."  I called Steve and told him about it, laughing hysterically, and he said, "Good for you.  You should have grabbed more".  Thanks for having my back sweetie when I am getting my juvenile revenge!  


Rachel Smith said...

that is hilarious! i had a similar experience with Bank of America and got pretty angry several times...should have taken their mints too though.:) love you guys!

Brooke Romney said...

Hilarious! Way to show them.

Kim said...

Way to be strong and prove your point!

Nicole said...

LOL, LOVE everything about this post! Way to stand your ground girl, way to show them!! I'd like to think I would have done the same thing!! I cannot stop smiling picturing you doing this and those cute kiddos saying what they did! LOL!!!!!

Andrew Jorgensen said...

Laughing all the way to the next bank.