Tuesday, June 7, 2011

We've Been Jimmerized!

I'm a BYU fan. Max and Steve are Boise State fans...that is until Jimmer Fredette came along. Suddenly BYU is on the radar for Max's future. Thanks Mr. Fredette.

For our Family Home Evening activity a month ago we listened to this rap song about Jimmer and now the entire family has it memorized, including Capri, and it is played about 20 times a day in our home...and I'm not exaggerating.


This morning Capri was looking at a Time magazine for Kids and she came running up to me calling out "Look Mom, it's Jimmer Fredette!" This is the picture she was looking at:

It's actually an actor named Jesse Eisenberg, who is a voice in the animated movie Rio, and was in the Social Network. It took a two year old to notice the resemblance! I think we've officially been Jimmerized!


Brigette said...

Hey Lyric! How are you!!?? So fun to catch up with you on your blog! Yes, our family has too been Jimmerized! We sing the same rap all day long, too! I am pretty sure Garrett has a man crush on him, too! Hope you are good!! Miss you! XOXOX

If you are dying to know what the Helmer's have been up to...http://blog.helmerfamily.com/

Brooke Romney said...

Us too!!! We love him.