Older people always tell me, "Enjoy it, because it will be over before you know it", in reference to raising kids. I'm sure there is some truth to that, or else it wouldn't be said so often, or maybe it's because their memories are failing them! It's probably a little bit of both. I must admit that there are moments, or rather days, when I wished it was over before I knew it, but always, even on those days, Maxwell is my little nighttime cuddler and loverbug. He always has been, and I have told him that he has to be even when he is a teenager. It sounds a bit wierd to cuddle a teenager, so we may to have to make adjustments! As you can tell this is one of my favorite things about my boy, but another one of them is that he loves to have fun and he can have fun with just about anyone. His birthday party was no exception. We took a herd of boys to Wahooz for unlimited video games, miniature golf, laser tag, bumper boats and race cars. Then we topped the night off with dinner and huge shakes at Iceburg. I had to call and apologize to all the parents for feeding their kids dinner at 9:30 pm and getting them home at 10:30! Can you tell where Maxwell gets his fondness for fun? I think we wore Capri out, but the rest of the kids were going strong...after bubblegum milkshakes!