My good friend, Julia, and I were in desperate (a very slight exaggeration!) need of some sunny weather during our way too cold and long Boise spring, so we planned ourselves a little trip to sunny San Diego. Somehow the hubbies managed to work their way into our plans (!), and so the four of us had a crazy fun and relaxing weekend. We visited Sea World, where Julia and David got drenched on the water ride, and Steve and I managed to stay mostly dry. Julia says the after shot makes her look like Ozzy Ozbourne's daughter! We ate delicious food. Julia and I took super long walks along the beach every morning while the guys waited semi-patiently! We visited the History of Man museum...hence the Bigfoot picture. Steve and I were also able to spend an evening with one of my favorite cousins, Laurie, and her husband Michael. I always love spending time with her, and Michael just adds spice to everything!