I haven't been to Old Navy in quite a long time, because frankly, I pretty much thought it had gone down hill to the point of totally sucking. But I was driving by today, and in need of a baby gift for my sister Lexi, so I thought I would give it another try for old times sake. Can I just tell you that their selection totally rocks right now. I cannot show you what I got because Lexi and Quinn will see, and then there goes the element of surprise, but just know that I have decent child fashion sense and trust me on this one! Lexi, you'll be getting it in the mail. I just couldn't wait another day! I didn't get a chance to look at the adult clothing, but just walking by it without browsing was really hard. Those special magnets they have in the center of the clothing racks were trying really hard to pull me in, but I was strong...only because I was going to make Maxwell late for school once again! Speaking of Max, I also had to buy a shirt with green on it at Old Navy, because I forgot to remind him to wear green on St. Patrick's Day, and he was petrified of being pinched. He didn't even want to go into Old Navy without any green on. I told him that only his friends will pinch him, and it won't hurt because it is just a silly fun thing. He said, "we better hurry and get something green because everyone at school is my friend so I will get pinched a lot." I guess he takes after me in at least one area...popularity!! (In case you hadn't assumed, I am so totally kidding!)
Thursday February 20
1 day ago
I LOVE Old Navy. Majority of the clothes my kids own are from there. I love that you can order online, which has a bigger selection, and only pay $5 in shipping. Or if your like me and end up spending $50 or more, it's free!!!
Glad you found stuff, and I totally don't beleive you didn't buy something for yourself, come on, not a little something??? You are NOT the Lyric Payne I once knew.
Old Navy DEFINIETLY rocks! When did it not??? Maybe I'm lacking in the "child's fashion sense"- very possible, since my kids ocassionally go slummin in Walmart stuff!
I love old navy lately too. Very handsome son you have! And I love what he said about all his friends..thats aweomse.
p.s. Please dont hate me for not mailing you my gift yet...I feel so bad. I promise you will get it...even though you will tell me not to worry about it, I still will :)
I guess I need to start shopping again. I know you are probably terribly disappointed in me for ever stopping. My kids need clothes. I love all Max's personality!
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