I just need to record a couple of quotable quotes lest I forget them.
1. The kids and I were watching the X-Factor finale and there was a song performed by a contestant called "All you need is love". I think it's a Beatles song...maybe. After the song was over Max said to me, "love is not all you need" in a totally serious tone. So I asked him, "what else do you need?" I was thinking he might answer with food or something basic like that. Oh no, his answer was much more profound. Without a moment's hesitation he answered with, "second chances". I had to hold the giggles in, because again, he was completely serious. But after the silent giggles passed, and I thought a little more deeply, I realized how true that is. Here's to second chances!
2. Same night...X-Factor finale...I was shedding some tears over a clip that tugged at the heartstrings. The kids all noticed my tears and these were their reactions:
Max - "Mom, do you have tears welling up?"
Sophie - "Yes her tears are swelling up."
Capri - "Mom, I'll be your tissue" as she jumped up and wiped my tears away with her hand. I've used my "tissue" a few more times since then, including during the church choir's singing of "Oh Holy Night" today!
Saturday March 22
1 day ago