Now this is how I like to party! I love it that my kids are starting to make friends that I would choose myself, and they are starting to have fun the same goofy ways I do. Maxwell, being the jock he is, wanted to have an all sports party. The boys played foosball (yes that is a sport!) then ate lots of pizza and even more cinnamon sugar pizza. Then they played kickball, basketball and danced a bunch, interrupted by a little sno-cone run. Music was blaring the entire time, and the song of the night was "Call Me Maybe", which is evident by all the phone signs being made in the pictures. This is when we should have called it a night because that is when the invitation said the party would conclude, but they weren't done having fun, so I had to do the next most responsible thing...text all the parents for permission to stay late. They watched "Like Mike" which is a movie from the 90's, otherwise known as "old school" in my house, and they topped it off with more foosball and rowdy wrestling. I only had to text the parents two more times to get permission for extensions to the night! When we finally dropped the boys off at their homes around midnight, Max and all the remaining boys in the car would yell out, at the top of their lungs, to the boy at the doorstep, "call me maybe"!!! I think my favorite thing about the whole night was how Sophie and Capri were included in all the fun. They truly felt a part of it all, which I attribute to Max and all his kind friends...I couldn't have hand picked them any better!
Monday March 24
1 day ago