We invited several families over to ring in the new year with us, and boy did we ring it in. I think we rang it in loud enough and long enough to wake anyone who was boring enough to fall asleep before midnight! Capri blew her horn with gusto, even though she was in a bit of a sleepy daze, complete with dark shadows under her eyes. It would seem that the adults were boring, just chatting the night away, but as you can tell from Steve's face in this picture, there were surprisingly entertaining stories told by all. It looks like he's thinking "did you really just say that out loud?" I had family games planned for the evening but all the kids wanted to do was play boys versus girls wars and ghost in the graveyard. Maybe I can use my ideas on a more dull group that can't entertain themselves! As we were putting our kids to bed that night, or early morning, whichever you want to call it, I told the kids we would clean the house up tomorrow. Many of you know, that is not my style. It is nearly impossible for me to let a messy house stay that way for too long. Well apparently Sophie is of the same mold, because as I was putting Capri to sleep I heard a little ruckus in the family room, only to discover that Sophie was busy cleaning up the mess...at 1:30 a.m! I joined her and after only 10 minutes we had everything in tip-top shape! And just to make you all a little more jealous, the next morning I awoke to a little ruckus in the kitchen...my little Sophie had unloaded the dishwasher. Please pinch me!

unloading the dishwasher is one of my least favorite chores. maybe norah could come hang out with sophie . . . a ton.
No way. That is amazing. I need just a little of your OCD...
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