Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, my new chandelier and warm woolen mittens, a bone colored sectional tied up with string, these are a few of favorite things. Please...stop me now!
My latest favorite thing, which I haven't even purchased yet, is a crushed velvet chair I found for $40 at a second hand store. (The adorable princess in the chair is one of my two all-time favorite things!) I got an estimate to reupholster it and was pleasantly surprised with the cost, so I just need to go snag my find before someone else does. Call me crazy, but I think I'm going to reupholster it in a tasteful brown and cream colored zebra print fabric. I think it could be one of those items that cause people to say, "that's so you Lyric". I always take that as a compliment. I really wouldn't want everyone to have a zebra print fabric chair, because then I wouldn't have any claim to fame!
The all black crystal chandelier in the dining area is major. It definitely makes a statement, probably something like, "look at me". It especially makes me happy at night, because it casts the coolest shadows on the ceiling. If I were an artist I would use the design it creates as inspiration for something fabulous. It sucks not being an artist! The picture does not do it justice. You'll just have to come experience it for yourself. By the way, our ceiling is not golden yellow, it is just a terrible picture from a completely amateur camera.
I also really love our new bone colored leather sectional. It totally rocks. It has the contemporary look I wanted, the comfort Steve wanted, and the price we both wanted. If anyone else wants to be so bold as to buy a light sectional, I will inform you that it was purchased at Mor Furniture. If you were with me right now you would hear me singing their jingle - one thing to be thankful for (that you're not right here with me).